Basar Koc
T 716-203-1050
b PO Box 248405, Coral Gables, FL 33124-4805
Lossless data compression, image compression, data encryption; image and video codecs,
parallel computing, CUDA, computer graphics.
Education University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Ph.D., Computer Science May 2017
M.S., Computer Science May 2014
State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY
B.S., Computer Science May 2012
Minor in Business Administration
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
B.Eng., Computer Engineering, June 2012
Research &
Associate Professor of Computer Science Aug. 2023 - Current
Assistant Professor of Computer Science Aug. 2017 - May 2023
Stetson University, DeLand, FL
Research Consultant Mar. 2021 - Jun. 2021
Prime Contractor: Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI), Rockville, MD
DOE SBIR FY 2021 #7c: Technologies for Exascale Computing
Data Compression and Dimensionality Reduction for Exascale and other highly
parallel systems (ScalCompReduce)
Visiting Research Scholar Feb. 2018 - May 2024
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Research Fellow Aug. 2016 - May 2017
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Research Engineering Intern May - Aug. 2014
Mozilla Research, Mountain View, CA
Daala: Next Generation Video Codec
Software Developer Intern
SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY Sep. - Dec. 2011
Turkcell, Izmir, Turkey Jun. - Aug. 2010
Patents Arnavut, Z., Koc, B., Kocak, H., “System and method for concurrent encryption and
lossless compression of data,” U.S. Patent Application (pending) US20230291417A1,
filed on March 9, 2023.
Projects A collection of episodes with videos, codes, and exercises for learning the basics of the
Python, Perl, and R programming languages.
- Python for Biologists
- Perl for Biologists
- R for Biologists
A collection of episodes with videos and supporting materials on Computational Science.
Select theoretical, computational, and scientific components are presented in a simple
yet insightful manner, requiring no more than basic calculus.
- Computing for Scientists
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1. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Concurrent encryption and lossless compression
using inversion ranks,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier,
2. Kabadurmus, O., Kayikci, Y., Demir, S., Koc, B., “A data-driven decision support
system with smart packaging in grocery store supply chains during outbreaks,”
Journal of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, 2022.
3. Kayikci, Y., Demir, S., Mangla, S., Subramanian, N., Koc, B., “Data-driven
optimal dynamic pricing strategy for reducing perishable food waste at retailers,”
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2022.
4. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Sarkar, D., Kocak, H., “Technique for lossless compression
of color images based on hierarchical prediction, inversion, and context-adaptive
coding,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE, 2019.
5. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “The pseudo-distance technique for parallel
lossless compression of color-mapped images,” Computers and Electrical Engineering
Journal, Elsevier, 2015.
6. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Lossless compression of dithered images,”
Photonics Journal, IEEE, 2013.
7. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Irreversible Compression of Medical Images
with Rigorous Error Bounds,” IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2025
8. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Concurrent Encryption and Lossless Compression
with Inversion Ranks,” IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2022.
9. Kayikci, Y., Demir, S., Koc, B.,“IoT-Freshness Sensor Data-Driven Price Information
System for Food Waste Reduction in Grocery Retail Stores,” The 25th International
Symposium on Logistics (ISL), 2021.
10. Shalayiding, A., Arnavut, Z., Koc, B., Kocak, H.,“Burrows-Wheeler Transformation
for Medical Image Compression,” IEEE 11th Annual Information Technology,
Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 2020.
11. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Voronin, S., Kocak, H., “Near-lossless Image Compression
with Parity Reduction,” IEEE 24th International Conference on Intelligent Eng.
Systems (INES), 2020.
12. Cui, J., Koc, B.,“Poster: Encrypted QR code,” IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy, 2019.
13. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Sarkar, D., Kocak, H., “A New Technique for Lossless
Compression of Color Images based on Hierarchical Prediction, Inversion, and
Context Adaptive Coding,” IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2019.
14. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Sarkar, D., Kocak, H., “Energy-aware transfer of compressed
data on MSP432 family of microcontrollers,” 16th International Conference on
Clean Energy (ICCE), 2018.
15. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Sarkar, D., Kocak, H., “Splitting Bits for Lossless Compression
of Microarray Images,” 14th International Conference on Smart Cities: Improving
Quality of Life Using ICT & IoT, 2017.
16. Arnavut, Z., Arnavut, M., Koc, B., Kocak, H., “Investigation of Row and Column
Permutations for Lossless Compression of Images,” High-capacity Optical Networks
and Enabling Technologies (HONET-ICT), 2016.
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17. Koc, B., Sarkar, D., Kocak, H., Arnavut, Z., “A study of power consumption on
MSP432 family of microcontrollers for lossless data compression,” High-capacity
Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2015.
18. Preston, C., Arnavut, Z., Koc, B., “Lossless compression of medical images using
Burrows-Wheeler transformation with inversion coder,” Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBC), 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE,
19. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Lossless compression of DNA microarray images
with inversion coder*,” High-capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies
(HONET), 2014.
20. Arnavut, Z., Koc, B., Kocak, H., “Scanning paths for lossless compression of
pseudo-color images,” Image and Signal Processing Workshop (WNYISPW), IEEE
Western New York, 2014.
21. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Lossless compression of DNA microarray images
with inversion coder,” IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2014.
22. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Parallel lossless compression of color- mapped
images,” High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET-
CNS), 10th International Conference on, 2013.
23. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., Kocak, H., “Lossless compression of dithered images with
the pseudo-distance technique,” High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling
Technologies (HONET), 9th International Conference on, 2012.
24. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., “A new context-model for the pseudo-distance technique
in lossless compression of color-mapped images,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, Proc.
SPIE 8499, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV, 2012.
25. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., “A modified pseudo-distance technique for lossless compression
on color-mapped images,” IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2012.
26. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., “Gradient adjusted predictor with pseudo-distance technique
for lossless compression of color-mapped images,” IEEE Frontiers of Information
Technology (FIT), 2011.
27. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., “Block-sorting transformations with pseudo-distance technique
for lossless compression of color-mapped images,” Image Processing Workshop
(WNYIPW), IEEE Western New York, 2011. - Best Student Paper Award
by IEEE and IS&T in Rochester, NY
28. Koc, B., Arnavut, Z., “Application of pseudo-distance to lossless coding of color-
mapped images,” System of Systems Engineering, IEEE 6th International Conference
on, 2011.
29. Koc, B., “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Solutions in Aviation Industry,”
Smart and Sustainable Operations Management chapters in the Aviation Industry:
A Supply Chain 4.0 Perspective, CRC Press, 2024.
Peer reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Journal of
Computers and Electrical Engineering, Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), Journal
of Optical Engineering (SPIE), Journal of Computational Science, Journal of Biomedical
Signal Processing and Control, Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication,
Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, IEEE Data Compression Conference.
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